Monday, December 8, 2008

Jonas's present from Exuan

(Jonas playing with his cousin)

Not sure you believe or not, but we are really superstitious, we need to prepare a present to the brother upon new born delivery. It is the 见面礼 from new born to the elder, from this gift the elder will saying the youngest in future.

I had bought Jonas 1 set of Thomas and Friend, and plan to give him in the hospital when he first time see his sister.

After Jonas got the present, we had practicing this Q&A for few days.
Q: “This gift is from your 妹妹, you must saying your 妹妹 in future, ok?”
A: “OK” (似懂非懂,Jonas nodded his head but not sure he understands or not, but that’s the confirm answer every time)

Believe or not, I can see Jonas is very sayang his sister, he is willing to give his “most ugly, most smelly, but most favorite” bolster to sister. I think this toys is worth to buy, :-)

1 comment:

Joan D'Arcy said...

My son has same toy, from his 3rd birthday!

Love reading ur blog dear!

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