Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bedtime Song

We had bought a bedtime song book for baby. It is her first book from us, no special reason. We just like those music and wish it can accompany her to sleep every night. It also give us more songs to sing for her, lastime we only able to sing "一闪一闪亮晶晶。。。。“, "twinkle twinkle little star", "Bla Bla black sheep", all is belong 1 rhythm only right? hahaha.

4 songs in this book.
1) Rock-a-Bye-Baby
2) Sleep, Baby, Sleep
3) Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
4) Brahms Lullaby

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Gift

Gift : 100% Handmade card from Jonas.
(in fact 90% made by teacher, 10% damage by Jonas, you can see got missing sticker there, hehehee.... )
Celebration: Lunch at TGI Friday at Sunway Pyramid. ( It is the first mothers day celebration for mummy)
Site effect: Jonas fewer again cause by the heaty fried food at restraurant.

Cleaning job

Jonas eating his “mamee” snacks in the living hall. Accidentally, he had poured half pack of the mamee on the floor. I did not scold him because I’m actually busy with his sister. He know he done something wrong, without think further, he go to take tissue and want to clean up the floor by himself.
He show me he had taken 1 tissue, “Mummy, tissue okay? “, I said : “mmm” . Then his started his cleaning mission.
Ops…, 1 tissue, 2 tissues, 3 tissues,…. I’m worried will he will finish whole box of tissue by then…… what you think…?
Finally, he just used 4 pieces of tissues and cleans up 90% of the dirt.
Well done! He show me again he can do 1 more work by himself. :-)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Learn to sit; learn to eat

Learn to sit by herself.

Mummy fault, feed until the nose.. mummy need to learn feeding, girl girl need to learn eat nicely.

First time trying semi solid food. yummy.. yummy..

Friday, May 1, 2009

Parenting Course

Course: 明明白白我的心
Date: 20 April 2009 8PM
Venue: Classics Star Eduland Kepong 竹丰书院
Speaker: 余莹樱
Fee: RM10
Reason to attend: To improve mummy relationship with Jonas.
Things had learned:
1) Listen to your children.
2) Do not pressure your child – pressure is coming from parent’s demand
3) Respect them
4) Show your love with action – give him unconditional love.
and more and more...

Coming event:

Strongly recommend parents to attend this kind of talk to improve our effectiveness to grow a child…
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker